Will Skid Row EVER Reunite?

It seems all of the big bands of the 1970’s and 80’s have reunited – from KISS to Motley Crue to Guns ‘n Roses (sort of, minus Izzy Stradlin and Steven Adler). Other big bands of that era reunited for as long as they could before breaking up again – like Dokken and Ratt. One band that has never even tried is Skid Row. These NJ based rockers hit the ground running in the late 80’s with a couple multi-platinum blockbusters and even striking gold at the height of grunge and alternative. Nonetheless, the woes of Frontman Syndrome spelled disaster for a band that could have pressed on with their grunge-era release Subhuman Race and could have toured extensively with the Best Of (40 Seasons; released in 1998) until 2000. Had they just stayed together another couple of years they would have been able to have joined all the big package tours and been strategically positioned to benefit from the resurgence of 80’s/90’s music.

A frontman without a band.

Sebastian Bach didn’t help start Skid Row. He also didn’t write all the songs. He was basically a kid – they all were – but him especially. Much like with other lead singers who joined already created bands, Bas basically pulled off a coup d’é·tat. No one voted for him to take over, he just sort of did, and while the band was charting strong, selling millions of records, being played on the radio and featured all over MTV, not to mention playing huge venues, it was easier for the founders of the band to sedate themselves than lay down the law. I think in hindsight, they probably saw the error in their ways and vowed to never let a lead singer take over like that again.

That said, sometimes fame can numb the pain or the unhappiness every bit as much as drugs or alcohol. Not only would it have been impossible for the founding members to have rein in Sebastian during the band’s heyday, but they had no leverage. I suspect if they had tried to silence their singer and he even hinted at going for the door, management and the record label would have acted swiftly. They would have more than likely put the band on suspension and/or pressured them into submission using other means. There’s a reason no one ever read Bas the riot act. The problem is the more out of control he got, the harder it was for founding members to stomach. As sales waned and they became less of a priority to their label, I think they may have jumped the gun. After all, the break took place in 1996, not 1989. Sebastian forgot what year he was in and paid the ultimate price.

Follow the leader.

Every band has a leader or leaders. With Skid Row, it’s believed to be run by its founders, bassist Rachel Bolan and guitarist Dave Sabo. I’d say that’s a pretty accurate breakdown. Guitarist Scotti Hill seems to have considerable influence as well. That said, even when there are two founding members calling the shots, there’s always one that’s a little more hands on, especially with the day-to-day operations of the band. Think of KISS, for example. While Gene and Paul are the two leaders, it’s Paul who’s considered by most to have the final word. With Warrant, there’s also two guys at the helm with Jerry Dixon and Erik Turner. With Warrant, I’d argue Jerry is the more day-to-day between the two. And with Skid Row, I’d argue that that distinction goes to Rachel Bolan. If Rachel wanted Bas back, I think he could convince Sabo. If Sabo, however, wanted Bas back and Bolan was opposed, I don’t think Dave could convince Rachel.

Sebastian attacks Skid Row fans.

Now let me stress that my above hypothetical is just that! There’s nothing to suggest that Dave Sabo wants Sebastian back. In fact, he may want him out as much as Rachel – if not more. My only point there was that I believe if someone had to be convinced, that Rachel would be more effective at convincing Sabo than Sabo convincing Bolan. It’s the same with Stanley/Simmons and Dixon/Turner. You have two equal members, but one of the two just takes a more direct hand in running the band. When Sebastian is out playing fourth on the bill somewhere and he’s attacking Skid Row fans, why on Earth would guys like Rachel, Dave, and Scotti want that guy to be a part of their band again? They’ve been making music and touring extensively for over twenty-five years without him.

Club singer turned media mogul.

When club singer Stevie Rachelle of the band TUFF and the force behind Metal Sludge reported on Sebastian verbally-attacking Skid Row fans at his concerts, it sent shockwaves throughout the rock and metal communities. Reverberations were felt and continue to be felt. Insiders believe that the Skid Row camp is absolutely furious with their ex-singer and any hopes of a reunion have been dashed, yet again. In fact, sources close to SSF state on condition of anonymity that one founding member is “livid.”

And it’s not Stevie’s fault or Metal Sludge’s or any other website’s. We didn’t make the news. It was 100% Sebastian and his inability to process his frustrations with the fact that no matter how much money can be made with a reunion, the Skid Row guys just don’t want him back. Even if they can’t secure a singer for now due to scheduling conflicts, that’s not enough for them to bring Bas back. And fortunately for SR, they never squandered away their earnings and were left penniless under a bridge somewhere. From everything I’ve heard, they live all live comfortably and they’re all working musicians.

Sebastian needs to grow up.

That’s not good for Sebastian. His ex-bandmates would actually have to want to play with him again in order for a reunion to happen. They’re not out of options and destitute. And with him cursing out Skid Row fans at his concerts and that making the rounds all over the rock press, do you honestly think Skid Row wants that guy back on tour with them? Therefore, Sebastian needs to be accountable for his own actions and needs to try to grow up. Him tracking down Rachelle and shoving him into a locker isn’t going to make things better. It might make him feel a little better for the time being, but as he walks away and hears the Tuff singer pleading for him to let him out, he’s still going to be left with the reality that he’s created an even bigger rift between himself and the band we all know he wants to be a part of again.